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E-Bike courses 2022

E-Bike Skill Course's

Get the knowledge, skills and confidence to ride on the road and bike paths.

Practical and theoretical course based on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Bike Ready programme

Aimed to help sharpen practical skills, knowledge and to boost confidence so ebike riders can get out and enjoy their riding more.


These courses are designed for commuters, recreational riders, as well as those getting back on the bike for the first time in years.


All you need is a bike, be able to ride 1 km and have a willingness to learn.


These courses cover basic bike handling skills, defensive riding on the road as part of traffic and negotiating shared pathways and linking trails.


Wānaka course: 3 evenings over 3 weeks 

Date: 3rd,10th and 17th March 2022

Location: Allenby Park Wānaka

Time: 5.30 - 7.30 pm 

Cost: FREE


Whakatipu course: 1 day course

Date: 26th February 2022

Location: Arrowtown 

Time: 9 am - 4 pm 

Cost: FREE


Registration is critical and places are strictly limited.

If you have done this course before you are more than welcome to register again. However, places will be given to those who have not attended the course before.

Courses are structured around 3 specific phases. 

You need to attend all three days in order.

Phase 1: Starting in a user friendly none traffic environment to dial your basic bike handling skills (Bike Ready Grade 1)

Phase 2: Once you have honed your basic bike handling skills you will progress on to mastering riding on the shared bike paths

Phase 3: Once you have the skills and confidence you will progress on to the road. Here you will learn defensive riding strategies so you can position yourself on the road and negotiate intersections with confidence (Bike Ready Grade 2)

If you have any questions contact:

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